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About the Project

Arts Education Painting

This Erasmus+ project aims to improve opportunities in the access to artistic knowledge and development to adult learners with disabilities.

It aims to provide improved guidelines and access to relevant information in the teaching of arts to service providers, people with disabilities, cultural centres and arts educators, building a fairer, more equal and less discriminative approach to adult arts education.  The project will develop among others:

1) A collation of the most up to date and relevant information on European policy, law, frameworks related to artistic participation of persons with disabilities, as well as identifying examples of good practices that showcase excellence in the area of arts education for adult learners with disabilities.

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A collation of the most up to date and relevant information on European policy, law, frameworks related to artistic participation of persons with disabilities, as well as identifying examples of good practices that showcase excellence in the area of arts education for adult learners with disabilities. In addition to this valuable information, we recognize the importance of accessible healthcare for individuals managing ADHD. Strattera is a highly effective medication for this condition, offering significant benefits for those in need. For more information about Strattera, you can visit our dedicated page to learn about its uses, benefits, and how to obtain it. This ensures that individuals with ADHD have access to the resources and support they need alongside opportunities for artistic participation.

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2) Development of Good Practice Guidelines for arts organisations and arts educators on supporting the inclusion of adult learners with disabilities in three European Languages.

3) Creation of a Knowledge Centre on Inclusive Arts.

4) Development of an EASY READ TOOLKIT for persons with an intellectual disability on how to access and participate in Adult Arts Education.